Episode 26 - A Journey from Public Speaking Anxiety and Bullying to Empowering Others: Client Spotlight Interview with Sandy Hedenberg

Have you ever felt the grip of fear holding you back from becoming the leader you know you can be? Meet Sandy Hedenberg, a former sales manager who embarked on a journey to conquer her crippling public speaking anxiety and unleash her true potential.

In this inspiring episode of the Confidence Within podcast, we delve into Sandy's transformation from being bullied as a child and being scared to speak publicly to being a powerful communicator, and how it has opened doors she never thought possible.

During our conversation, Sandy talks about the origins of her public speaking fear, sharing a deeply personal childhood experience that haunted her through college and work. She reveals the pivotal moment when she realized that her fear would limit important aspects of her life and how she made the courageous decision to join Brilliant Speakers Academy four years ago.

For 35 years, Sandy carried the weight of her fear, never imagining she could break free from its grip. Yet, today, she stands liberated from this fear and empowers others to confidently go after their dreams.

Sandy's journey from fear to empowerment is a testament to the transformative power of breaking free from limiting beliefs and embracing a world of boundless possibilities. Sandy emphasizes that the Brilliant Speakers Academy is not solely about public speaking but also about finding your confidence and your voice in all areas of life.

Tune in to hear more about Sandy’s inspiring story and how her decision to join Brilliant Speakers became the catalyst for her holistic growth and transformation. Listen to this episode on your favorite podcast platform or on my podcast blog.


[00:44] Introducing guest Sandy Hedenberg.

[02:00] The Hangman Story: Sandy reveals a pivotal incident from her grade school days that fueled her deep-seated fear of public speaking.

[05:20] The Turning Point: Discover the moment when Sandy realized that her fear of public speaking was holding her back from important aspects of her life and learn how she made the courageous decision to join Brilliant Speakers.

[06:20] The Impact of Limiting Beliefs: We discuss the profound effect that limiting beliefs can have on our lives and the various ways they can hinder our growth and potential.

[07:00] Transformation through Brilliant Speakers: Sandy discusses the remarkable changes that occurred in her life as a result of completing Brilliant Speakers

[10:38] The Lipstick Day Story: How Sandy sharing her vulnerable childhood bullying experience inspired an extraordinary event that empowered several young women with self-confidence.

[16:03] Favorite Moments with Brilliant Speakers: Hear Sandy's heartfelt reflections on her favorite aspects of Brilliant Speakers Academy and her rewarding experiences working with Victoria.


Connect with Sandy Hedenburg online: 

Website: https://sandyhedenberg.com/


Connect with me online: 

Get my FREE GUIDE “5 Proven Steps You Can Take to Boost Your Public Speaking Confidence Right Now”: https://www.byvictorial.com/5steps

Learn more about working with me in my Brilliant Speakers Academy® coaching program (specifically created for ambitious high-level professionals and entrepreneurs) to obliterate your fear of public speaking, drastically improve your communication and presentation skills, and help you be seen as a true leader in your company or industry: http://www.BrilliantSpeakersAcademy.com

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