Episode 22 - Conquering Public Speaking Anxiety in High-Stakes Corporate Meetings: Client Spotlight Interview with Edison Odeghe

Have you ever found yourself at a loss for words during a crucial professional moment? Stumbling over sentences and feeling your confidence crumble during an important meeting? We all have those moments that haunt us, but what if there was a way to conquer those fears and speak with unwavering confidence?

In this episode, I speak with Edison Odeghe, a former student of Brilliant Speakers Academy. Edison is a Technical Systems and Engineering Director at Procter & Gamble's largest manufacturing facility in West Virginia.

In our conversation, Edison candidly reveals the turning point that led him to seek improvement in his public speaking skills. He recounts the day he found himself in a high-stakes work meeting, rendered speechless before his audience. It was in that humbling moment that he realized the need to enhance his public speaking skills, especially in professional settings, where expectations were different than the public speaking he was used to.

Determined to find the right solution, Edison explored various resources but yearned for something truly transformative. That's when my Brilliant Speakers Academy program entered the picture.

Edison shares how the personalized one-on-one coaching in a group setting revolutionized his approach to public speaking. With the impactful methods he learned, he now navigates any room with poise, authority, and conviction.

By the end of this episode, you'll be inspired to take the first step towards unleashing your own speaking potential.

Don't miss out on Edison's remarkable testimony and reflections on how Brilliant Speakers Academy has changed his life.

Remember, the power to transform your public speaking prowess lies within your grasp!


Connect with me online: 

Get my FREE GUIDE “5 Proven Steps You Can Take to Boost Your Public Speaking Confidence Right Now”: https://www.byvictorial.com/5steps

Learn more about working with me in my Brilliant Speakers Academy® coaching program (specifically created for ambitious high-level professionals and entrepreneurs) to obliterate your fear of public speaking, drastically improve your communication and presentation skills, and help you be seen as a true leader in your company or industry: http://www.BrilliantSpeakersAcademy.com

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