Episode 10 - How to Get Anything You Want in Life: Interview with Energy Coach and Best-selling Author Julianna Ricci

I am joined on this episode of The Confidence Within Podcast by acclaimed energy coach and author Julianna Ricci. A scientist by training, Julianna merges quantum physics with new insights from mindfulness to change the trajectory of people’s lives and help her clients optimize their impact in life. 

Julianna is aware that her coaching is not available to everyone, and she wants to be able to share it with more people because she sees the deep improvement her clients achieve through her coaching. Thus, she decided to write her book, The Power of Practice: Spiritual Laws of an Extraordinary You about spiritual laws backed by scientific evidence. 

In this episode, we talk about her interesting career trajectory and some of the topics discussed in her book such as the law of attraction and how energy awareness can lead us to greater success in life.  

Key Highlights: 

  • Julianna's journey from marine biologist to energy coach
  • What prompted Julianna to write her book The Power of Practice
  • Misconceptions about The Law of Attraction and how to apply it properly
  • The importance of consistency and non-attachment in reaching your goals
  • How to handle the inevitable detours in life
  • The importance of giving ourselves grace and releasing self-blame and shame
  • How to master our core energy to achieve our dreams
  • Energetic awareness as a means to manifest anything you want in life


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Get my FREE GUIDE “5 Proven Steps You Can Take to Boost Your Public Speaking Confidence Right Now”: https://www.byvictorial.com/5steps

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Connect with Julianna: 

Website: http://www.jriccienergy.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/thepowerofpractice
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/juliannaricci/
Book: http://www.jriccienergy.com/the-book