Hi, Iā€™m Victoria!

Iā€™ll help you show up as the expert and leader you are.

As a high-level professional, executive, or entrepreneur, you really know your stuff.

But as soon as all eyes are on you, that confidence goes out the window.

Whether itā€™s a big presentation, a podcast, or maybe just a Zoom callā€¦ That familiar lump grows in your throat, your palms get sweaty, and your knees shake uncontrollably.Ā 

Youā€™re left with two options: push through in misery and risk losing all credibility. Or worse, avoid public speaking entirely.

Either way, you continue to miss out on opportunities to grow your career or business. And you get left behind as someone else gets that promotion, client, or deal that you dreamed of.

Youā€™re in the right place.

Iā€™m Victoria, a public speaking coach, serial business owner, and podcast host. Iā€™ve appeared on live TV, podcasts, and numerous media outlets.

Public speaking propelled my corporate career to new heights and helped me launch several successful businesses.

But I used to avoid public speaking like the plague.

I thought I was scarred for life.

When I was a kid, I once literally ran off the stage in tears while the audience laughed at me. And I vowed to never get in front of an audience again.

ā€¦ Fast forward 15 years.

As an ambitious executive with dreams of one day starting my own business, I knew I couldnā€™t reach my goals by continuing to hide behind the scenes.

I knew I was meant for so much more, but I felt stifled. Like I didnā€™t have a voice.

So I tried everything to get over my fear. Like taking classes, going to Toastmasters, watching videos, and reading every book I could find.

But nothing worked.

Even the mere thought of getting up in front of a crowd still made me break out in sweats. And no amount of practicing made me feel any better.

Hereā€™s the thingā€¦

Most speaking programs out there werenā€™t created by someone whoā€™s experienced public speaking anxiety themself. So they rely on tricks and band-aid solutions instead of actually getting rid of the underlying fear.

These techniques polish your soft skills, but they donā€™t build confidence. So you still end up panicking, shaking, and stumbling over your words when you get in front of that audience.

And continuing to practice in a state of fear actually promotes that state of fear. Meaning it becomes a habit. You start to feel fearful even thinking about speaking.

Long story short, traditional speaking programs are making your fear worse.

But theyā€™re not the only option.

After years of trial and error, I created an evidence-based approach to conquering my fear once and for all.Ā 

Now, Iā€™m sharing my proven framework thatā€™s helped 100s of executives, entrepreneurs, and professionals stop holding back and start speaking up.Ā 

So you can start building unshakable confidence NOW, instead of wasting years hiding in the background.


Victoria is super talented and owns the KEY to public speaking. She is responsive, supportive, and has excellent problem-solving skills. She communicates in a simple and easy-to-understand manner. And she doesn't stop at teaching, she follows up to ensure you achieve your purpose. She uses all the tools necessary to move participants to their goals.

Victoria, you are amazing, very few people have these traits. I am super happy and grateful to be part of this program!

Kafilat Nafiu

Brilliant Speakers Academy gave me the tools to step in front of an audience with confidence and passion. It taught me the framework to craft a talk, to prepare for a presentation, and to overcome my fears.

Once I implemented the strategies from the program, my presentations became a lot better. In fact, I started looking for opportunities to present instead of hiding from them.

Alex Yuz
Marketing and Sales


Articles, tips, and inspiration to help you improve your communication and presentation skills.


Bite-sized public speaking tips, strategies, and expert-led career & business advice.


Ready to fast-track your career or business success? Discover how we can work together to obliterate your public speaking fearĀ for good.

A Few Fun Facts About MeĀ 

  • Surprisingly for someone teaching public speaking in English, itā€™s NOT my first language. And even after living in the U.S. for almost 30 years, I'm still rocking my Eastern European accent.

  • I'm a massive introvert! Which most people don't suspect when they hear me speak. Proof that even introverts can speak confidently in front of any audience.

  • My background is in Computer Science andĀ Communication. Iā€™m going to totally ā€œdateā€ myself here but I started as a software developer in the late ā€˜90s, back when AOL dial-up was all the rave! Within a few years, I started my first business, a web development company.

  • I founded Nutty Scientists of Houston, which went on to become the #1 Nutty Scientists franchise location in North America.Ā 

  • In 2010, I directed, filmed, and produced a short documentary "African-American Cowboy: The Forgotten Man of the West". Over the years, itā€™s been screened at events and festivals across the country and gained more than 300,000 views on YouTube.

  • I spend most of my free time driving my teenage sons to fencing practices and competitions. Both of my sons compete at the national level, with my older son fencing internationally as well.

  • Iā€™m a huge fan of Elvis Presley. Iā€™ve dressed both of my kids as Elvis for Halloween and even named my adopted twin pups Elvis and Presley!

  • I LOVE dogs and regularly volunteer at the local animal shelter.

5 Proven Steps You Can Take to Boost Your Public Speaking Confidence Right Now


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